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Pain & Wellness Management Evaluation

Access to the Pain Management Evaluation (PME) starts right here. If you have been asked to visit this web site by your doctor or Health Care Professional (HCP) –– Welcome!

You should have a
Referral Number which you will need to take the PME. Keep that Referral Number handy. If you lose it, just contact your HCP who can give it to you again.

It would be best if you had your most recent cholesterol test numbers (LDL, HDL and Total Cholesterol levels), and your height, weight and waist size all handy. If you are in your HCP’s office, an assistant can get these numbers for you and help you take the PME.

Allow about 45 minutes. You can stop to use the bathroom, or even if you need to leave and come back later. OK, if you have your Referral Number and are ready to go, just click here:

Take the
Pain & Wellness Evaluation